How to Join SmartShifts

Joining smartshifts is easy, simply download the app, create an account, complete your profile, meet with us, and we’ll check you’re ready to go

Unlimited shifts at your fingertips

View and pick shifts in seconds. Choose exactly when and where you want to work. Set your work preferences so you’re notified in real time when a shift is posted by agencies and businesses that matches your preference.

flexible worker
flexible worker

Know what you’re signed up for

View in-depth details of any shift you choose. You are provided with details of how much you will get paid, location of where you’re working, description of what you will doing, break time information and any key information needed to allow you perform at your best.

Work for agencies and businesses as a freelancer

View and pick shifts in seconds. Choose exactly when and where you want to work. Set your work preferences so you’re notified in real time when a shift is posted by agencies and businesses that matches your preference.

flexible worker
flexible worker

Earn more working on the smartshifts platform

Smartshifts does not charge businesses commissions on shifts posted, therefore freelancers earn the full wage which is usually between 5-10% less than businesses pay recruitment agencies.